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Nillion AIVM


Nillion AIVM is currently in early development. While functional, it may contain bugs and is not recommended for deployment in production or critical systems.

Nillion AIVM is a secure inference platform for Deep Learning models based on Multi-Party Computation (MPC). It enables private model inference and custom model deployment while maintaining data confidentiality throughout the computation process. This documentation covers installation, supported models, and usage instructions.

Supported Models

AIVM currently supports the following pre-trained models for specific learning tasks. You can either utilize these existing models or use the training scripts to produce your own custom-trained versions:

  • BertTiny
    • SMS Spam Classification
    • Movie Rating Sentiment Analysis
    • Tweet Sentiment Analysis
  • LeNet5
    • Handwritten Digit Recognition (MNIST)
    • Cats vs Dogs Classification

We also have real-life project examples using these models including a Discord Bot for sentiment analysis and hotdog image detection.

More information on the supported models and project ideas can be found here

Installation / Quickstart


Note: For the hackathon, you are required to install, run the development network. Then try run one of the examples:

  • 2a-fine-tuning-bert-tiny.ipynb
  • 2b-fine-tuning-lenet5.ipynb
  • 2c-fine-tuning-bert-tiny-tweet-dataset.ipynb

^^ Use Google Collab for these examples

  • 3a-upload-your-bert-tiny-model.ipynb
  • 3b-upload-your-lenet5-model.ipynb
  • 3c-upload-your-bert-tiny-for-tweet-sentiment.ipynb

If you are on Windows, we recommend using WSL setting - check this guide + use ubuntu.

Installing Nillion AIVM is straightforward:

  1. Git clone
git clone
  1. Create a virtual environment:

    python3 -m venv .venv
  2. Activate the virtual environment:

    On Linux/macOS:

    source .venv/bin/activate

    On Windows:

  3. Install the package:

    pip install "nillion-aivm[examples]"

This command installs all necessary dependencies for performing secure inference on AIVM. You can now check the examples to test Nillion AIVM

Starting the Development Network

Launch the AIVM development network with:


This command starts a persistent process that manages the secure computation infrastructure. To stop the network, use CTRL+C.


Note: Ensure aivm-devnet is running before proceeding with the following examples.

If you get stuck on this with VSCode, ensure the correct venv is selected. If it asks to pip install your packages / no pip is found, you can use pip install ipykernel -U --force-reinstall to install it.

Using Docker to deploy aivm-devnet

You can choose to use Docker for deploying aivm-devnet. For that, you must have a working Docker installation. The only required command is:

docker run -it -p 50050:50050 nillion/aivm-devnet

This commands forwards port 50050 from the Docker to your local machine, which is the port used to connect with the cluster.

Performing Secure Inference

Basic Usage

  1. First, import the AIVM client and check available models:
import aivm_client as aic

# List all supported models
available_models = aic.get_supported_models()
  1. Prepare your input data. Here's an example using PyTorch to load an MNIST dataset input:
# Load the libraries
import torch
import torchvision.datasets as dset
import torchvision.transforms as transforms

# Define the required transformations for MNIST dataset
trans = transforms.Compose(
transforms.ToTensor(), # Transform to tensor
transforms.Resize((28, 28)), # Resize to (28 x 28)
transforms.Normalize((0.5,), (1.0,)), # Normalize the image
# Load the dataset
dataset = dset.MNIST(
root="/tmp/mnist", train=True, transform=trans, download=True

# Get entry #20 of the dataset
inputs, _ = dataset[20]
inputs = inputs.reshape(1, 1, 28, 28)
  1. Encrypt your input using the appropriate Cryptensor:
# Encrypt the input
encrypted_input = aic.LeNet5Cryptensor(inputs)
  1. Perform secure inference:
# Get prediction while maintaining privacy
result = aic.get_prediction(encrypted_input, "LeNet5MNIST")

The get_prediction function automatically handles the secure computation protocol with the aivm-devnet nodes, ensuring that your input data remains private throughout the inference process.

Custom Model Deployment

You can deploy your own trained models to AIVM, provided they follow the supported architectures (BertTiny or LeNet5).

Uploading Custom Models

  1. Import the AIVM client:
import aivm_client as aic
  1. Upload your custom model:
# For BertTiny models
aic.upload_bert_tiny_model(model_path, "MyCustomBertTiny")

# For LeNet5 models
aic.upload_lenet5_model(model_path, "MyCustomLeNet5")
  1. Perform inference with your custom model:
# For BertTiny models
result = aic.get_prediction(private_berttiny_input, "MyCustomBertTiny")

# For LeNet5 models
result = aic.get_prediction(private_lenet5_input, "MyCustomLeNet5")

Model Requirements

Custom models must meet these requirements:

  • Follow the exact architecture of either BertTiny or LeNet5
  • Be trained using PyTorch
  • Use the same input dimensions as the original architectures
  • Be saved in PyTorch's standard model format (.pth or .pt)

Note: Custom model names must be unique within your AIVM instance.

Next Steps

Now you can check out the examples folder and get started with your own fine-tuned and custom models.

You can try:

  • LeNet5 for digit classification
  • BertTiny for spam detection
  • BertTiny for tweet sentiment